Bonnie Floyd Ministries
Surreal is a word often used to describe a tragic situation, but until you actually live through a tragedy, you can never truly grasp the meaning of the word. But on the evening of January 27th, 1994 on a far off island known as the “pink jewel of the Caribbean” tragedy struck my life and I was about to grasp the meaning of surreal and it changed the whole trajectory of my life. The definition of surreal, according to Bonnie is, “Beyond what the human mind can fathom as truth.” In 1994, I was certain my broken heart would never fully heal; now twenty-four years later, my perfectly restored heart belongs to the “pink jewel of the Caribbean” and my life is devoted to ministry and helping the people of Barbuda. Through it all, my eyes remained on the Lord. Through it all, it is well with my soul. Through it all, I have learned there is much to gain on the other side of pain and I wouldn’t change a thing. My whole story is encapsulated and beautifully told in this short video . . . to God be all the glory!
Bound To A Promise
A True Story of Love, Murder and Redemption
At six o'clock on a cold, foggy morning in Fresno, California, Bonnie Floyd's horrific nightmare began . . . but she was
wide-awake! This may sound like the beginning of a fiction thriller, but it isn't.
This is a true story, and the nightmare was all too real.

When I’m away from My Donnie my heart longs to be home with him, sitting in our lounge chairs watching the sunset . . . Oh who am I kidding?! When we’re home together not once have we ever sat in our lounge chairs and watched the sunset LOL!"
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You Are Right Where You Are Supposed To Be
June is already over! How did that happen? I remember this time last year, I was feeling very disconnected from my beloved Antigua Barbuda. I’d not been there since February because I chose to be in California working several weeks for Triple Delight Blueberries’ harvest season with my dearest friends...
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